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E-Commerce Questionnaire
Help us with the below answers in order to understand your business better!
Company Name/Website Name/Brand name
Contact number to reach you
Product Types
Any reference websites that you like in terms of designs or features?
How many content pages do we want - like home, about, contact, faq, testimonial etc?
How many product categories are we looking at? If possible list the categories
How many number of products do we have? Also mention the variation type of product - colour, size etc
Do we want product one-time buying or a product subscription feature as well?
Do you want pincode delivery checking option?
Do we want video auto-playing feature on product page or homepage?
Any product combos offers that we are planning?
How do we want coupons and offers? Flat 10% off, flat 250 rs off, first-time users offer, product-related coupons, cart total related coupons, bank-related coupons, prepaid order coupons - mention the ones that we want
Sign-in options - email, sms, WhatsApp, social login - please mention which one do you want?
Mention tax classes that apply to your product? Do you have GST?
Do you want GST input credit benefits for customers on their invoices?
Any delivery partner that you are working with which we want to integrate with website?
Any payment gateway subscription that you already have? Mention company name if applicable
Do you want to accept international payments? Do you want currency switching option for price?
Do you want wallet, loyalty point feature? If yes then please mention the logic of loyalty points
Do you want lead magnet options like spin the wheel for discount code offerings?
Any whatsapp or SMS based order confirmations that you want?
Do you require integration with any third-party systems or services (e.g., CRM, ERP)?
Any platform preference for website - shopify, WordPress- woocomerce etc?
Submit Requirement